Monday, January 10, 2011

Palin: "Not crosshairs on map, just areas of 4G coverage for my smart phone."

Sarah Palin was on the defensive today, attempting to diminish some of the criticism that has come her way since the shootings in Arizona. Speaking through her interpreter Glenn Beck, she said that people had misperceived what she was trying to convey on her now famous "bulls eye" map. "Those aren't crosshairs on the map! Those are areas where I get 4G coverage for my phone! I know I referred to them as bulls eyes before, but I meant it like 'I get great phone reception here. Bulls eye!' Here in Alaska that's how we talk. But I guess you liberal elites wouldn't know anything about how us common folk conversate."
     Palin also addressed some of the other inflammatory rhetoric that has come from her and her party.
 "When I said 'don't retreat, reload' I wasn't talking about guns. I was talking about a washing machine! 'Let's put on some fresh clean clothes and try harder.' I know I always feel energized when my clothes have that fresh-from-the-dryer feeling. Especially when I use that new Freedom-scented Downy. All this gun talk is just silly. And Sharron Angle has taken some heat for talking about '2nd amendment remedies.' To be honest, some of the Tea Partiers really weren't all that up to snuff with their constitution. She thought Obamacare was the 2nd amendment. She just wanted everyone to get a free checkup. She's a sweetheart like that."
     Palin did acknowledge that language of violence should be toned down in politics. "There's no place for talk of harm or threats or violence. You best believe I'll be keeping people who spew that kind of venom in my crosshairs."

Editors note- Is Sarah Palin in any way responsible for the shooting? No. Did the vitriol of the right spur this man on to violence? It's possible, but I doubt it. He is obviously delusional and unbalanced and paranoid, and he appears to have a four year old grudge against the senator for some perceived wrongdoing. His intent to kill was motivated by his own sickness, not talking heads. As much as people such as myself would like to be able to blame this tragedy on the hate that is spewed by some people on the right it is wrong and unfair to do so. The blame lies solely with the gunman.
     I do find it interesting how defensive the right has been. When people have spoken of the vitriol and hate speech, such as the Pima County sheriff did, there has been no party affiliation attached to it. But the stone throwers seem to know who they are and become aggressively defensive, even though no one has accused them. I have heard people defend Sarah Palin and Sharron Angle and others who have not just crossed the line but obliterated it so there is nothing that is too inflammatory, too incendiary, too vitriolic to say. They claim freedom of speech,  that this country was founded on discontent and anger, and the ability to voice anger is necessary for good government. They are right. Absolutely right. But as a civilized nation there is a right way to do things, a better way to convey ideas and ideals. Stop the bulls eyes. Stop the threats. Stop publishing addresses of those who didn't vote a certain way. Stop inciting paranoia. None of those things caused the Arizona shooting, but that doesn't make them right. Most importantly, stop the shouting, nobody listens when you're shouting. Just talk. And maybe listen.

1 comment:

  1. You can't say it any better than that Tommy. Nice post!
