Members of the Tea Party have referred to themselves as "Tea Baggers" almost since the inception of the fledgling movement, apparently oblivious of its reference to sexual act that many of the Tea Partiers themselves would consider depraved. As of this weekend, however, it appears that someone in the party read a men's magazine, or maybe watched some Cinemax, and became aware of what "tea bagging" entails. After holding an emergency all day meeting on Saturday, it was announced on Sunday that from now on they would refer to themselves as "Salad Tossers".
"We was always wondering what the snickering was about," said Tea Party spokesman Eustis Gibber. "Once we found out about the sexual connotations we knew we had to change the name pronto. We debated a lot of possibilities but finally settled on 'Salad Tossers' because we are grassroots, we're earthy, and we like to mix things up. Some people didn't like that name at first, and we almost split into different factions over it, but in the end we stayed united. As one united group we know we can still toss America's salad."
When asked about the possible factions Gibber refused comment, but others that were in the closed door sessions were more forthcoming. "It was a madhouse in there. Everyone wanted to change the name of the whole movement just to match their agenda," said an official who wished to remain anonymous. " The Ohioans, angry at their high unemployment, wanted 'Cleveland Steamers'. The Freedom of Speech crusaders, angry about the Rick Sanchez firing, wanted 'The Dirty Sanchez'. The religious ones wanted 'The Glory Whole'. Pennsylvanians wanted 'Hershey Highway'. And Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman almost won with 'Two Girls, One Coup'."
Hey man, These are really funny. Check out mine...
Less satirical, but equally sarcastic.