Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Obama's Favorite Christmas Carol

It's beginning to look a lot like Gingrich
Everywhere they poll
He surged past poor Rom-ney
To be the nominee
To take those lazy people off the dole

It's beginning to look a lot like Gingrich
All over my TV
He won every debate
By masking all his hate
And not forgetting how to count to three

Ahead of Santorum and Perry, those guys who hate fairys
Beating Bachmann, oh rejoice
He jumped over Ron Paul, it's not hard, he's not tall
And no one hears his voice
For those resolute but not astute Newt is the only choice

They're beginning to overlook his mistress
Both of them it seems
They believe his fidelity now
He took a written vow
And no one wants him even in his wildest dreams

Forget his disgrace, he's winning the race
Without any ethical worryin'
"I don't really lobby, it's only a hobby
That pays for my DeLorean
And Fannie Mae, what can I say, I was only the historian"